Privacy Policy

Thank you for reading Momvila’s Privacy Policy. We understand how important privacy is to you. That’s why we want to tell you how we gather, use, and keep your information safe when you visit our website.

Momvila is a website with resources and knowledge about parenting and caring for babies. We care about your privacy and want you to understand how we use your sensitive information.

This Privacy Policy tells you: 

  • What information do we collect
  • How we use that information
  • How we keep your information safe
  • What rights do you have when it comes to your information
  • How to talk to us if you have questions or worries

You agree to follow the rules in this Privacy Policy when you use our website. Don’t use our site if you don’t agree.

Information We Collect

There are two main ways we gather information:

a) Information you give us: 

  • When you create an account
  • When you fill out forms on our site;
  • When you get in touch with us

Your name, email address, and phone number may be oon this list.

  • Where you are (city and country)
  • Details about your kids, like how old they are
  • Any other details you choose to give us

b) Information that we automatically collect:

  • Your device’s IP address, which is a number that lets computers know what it is
  • What kind of device you’re using (an iPhone, for example)
  • The browser you’re using, like Chrome or Safari
  • What pages do you visit on our site and when you do so
  • Where you are generally (based on your IP address)

To get this information, we use things like cookies and other similar technologies. Cookies are small files that websites put on your computer or phone to keep track of things about you and the sites you visit.

How We Use Your Information?

This is how we use the data we gather: 

a) To offer and make our services better

  • To show you information that is relevant to you
  • To keep track of what you like
  • To improve the way our website works 

b) Get in touch with you

  • To answer your questions or send you newsletters if you’ve signed up for them
  • To let you know about new features or important changes

c) Find out how people use our website

  • To find out which parts of our site people like the most
  • To find and fix issues
  • To add new tools that our customers want

d) Keep our site free of threats

  • To stop scams or bad use of our site
  • To keep our users’ information safe

e) Follow the rules and laws

  • To uphold our legal duties 
  • To answer legal questions when they come up

We won’t give your personal information to other companies to use for ads.

How We Share Your Information?

When the following things happen, we may share your information:

a) With service providers

Other businesses help us run our website. For these businesses to do their jobs, they may need to see some of your details. We use a company to send our emails and to do that, they need email addresses.

b) To follow the law

We may share information if the law says we have to, like if we get a court order.

c) To protect rights and safety

We may share information if we think it’s needed to look into scams, protect our rights, or make sure our users are safe.

d) With your permission

The only way we’ll share your information that isn’t listed in this policy is if you give us permission first.

How We Protect Your Information

We care a lot about keeping your information safe. To keep it safe, we do the following:

a) Our technology is safe

When we send and store your information, we use encryption, which scrambles data.

b) We charge for access:

Employees who need to see your data to do their jobs are the only ones who can get to it.

c) We have security steps in place

To keep people from getting in without permission, we use firewalls, secure networks, and other tools.

d) We look over our methods often

To stay safe, we keep an eye out for new security risks and keep our systems up to date.

However, there is no way to share or store information over the internet that is 100% safe. We work hard to keep your information safe, but we can’t promise that it will always be safe.

Your Choices and Rights

There are a number of rights you have when it comes to your personal data:

a) Access

The information we have about you can be seen by you if you ask to see it.

b) Change

You can ask us to fix any information we have about you that you think is wrong.

c) Delete

There are times when you can ask us to get rid of your personal information.

d) Complaint

You can tell us not to use your information in certain ways.

It’s possible to change your mind at any time if you’ve given us permission to use your information for a certain reason.

f) Portability of data

You can ask for a copy of your data in a format that makes it easy to use it somewhere else.

If you want to use any of these rights, please get in touch with us using the details at the end of this policy.

Children’s Privacy

A website called Momvila talks about parenting and taking care of babies, but it’s only for adults. We don’t knowingly get personal information from kids younger than 13. Please let us know if you are a parent or adult and think we may have information from or about your child. We will take steps to remove that information.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use cookies and other similar tools to learn more about how you use our site, as we already said. That’s more in-depth here:

a) What do cookies look like?

Sites put cookies on your device, which are small text files. They help the site remember things about you and your visit.

b) The kinds of cookies we use:

  • Essential cookies: The website can’t work right without these.
  • Functional cookies: Remember what you like so that you have a better experience.

These cookies help us figure out how people use our site so we can make it better.

c) Managing cookies

You can change how cookies work in your browser’s settings. You can remove or block cookies, but it could change how our website works for you.

Third-Party Links

There may be links to other sites on ours. This Privacy Policy is only for Momvila. Before you go to a different website through a link, read their privacy policy to find out how they handle your data.

Changes to This Policy

This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. A message will be posted on our website or an email will be sent to you when we make big changes. You should read this policy often to make sure you understand how we’re keeping your information safe.

International Data Transfers

We may store and use your information in other places. You agree that your information may be sent to and kept in countries other than your own when you use our website. No matter where your information is stored, we will make sure it is safe according to this Privacy Policy and any rules that apply.

Data Retention

We keep your personal information for as long as required to provide our services and meet legal requirements. When we no longer need your information, we’ll delete it or make it anonymous so it can’t be linked back to you.

Do Not Track Signals

A “Do Not Track” button is on some computer browsers. Websites will know that you don’t want to be followed. At this time, we don’t react to “Do Not Track” signals. There are still decisions in this policy that you can make about how we use your information.

California Privacy Rights

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives people who live in California some extra rights:

a) The right to know

In the last year, you can ask us what personal information we’ve gathered, used, shared, or sold about you.

b) The right to be forgotten

If you want, you can ask us to delete any personal information we have about you.

c) Right to Opt-out

You can tell us not to share your information with other people. Note: Momvila does not sell personal information at this time.

In the event that you exercise your rights under the CCPA, we will not treat you differently because of it.

To use these rights, please get in touch with us using the details at the end of this policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we handle your information, please contact us:


We’ll do our best to respond to your questions or concerns promptly.


We’re grateful that you trusted us enough to give us your information. We promise to keep your information private and only use it in a smart way. Thanks for picking Momvila as a place to get help with parenting and baby care.