The third trimester is exciting as you prepare to welcome your new baby. With so much to do, having a third trimester checklist is helpful to keep you organized. This guide will walk you through essential tasks and preparations for the final months of pregnancy. From packing your hospital bag to setting up the nursery, we’ll cover everything you need to know to feel ready for your little one’s arrival.

Read our blog The Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist You Must Need To Know

Healthcare and Medical Preparations

Healthcare and Medical Preparations
Healthcare and Medical Preparations

1. Schedule remaining prenatal appointments

Make sure you have all your doctor visits lined up for the third trimester. These checkups are crucial for monitoring your health and your baby’s growth.

2. Take childbirth classes

Sign up for classes to learn about labor, delivery, and newborn care. Many hospitals offer these, or you can find online options.

3. Choose a pediatrician

Research and select a doctor for your baby. Ask for recommendations and schedule a meet-and-greet if possible.

4. Get your vaccines

Talk to your doctor about getting the flu shot and Tdap vaccine to protect yourself and your baby.

5. Create a birth plan

Write down your preferences for labor and delivery. Include pain management options, who you want in the room, and any specific requests.

Preparing Your Home

Preparing Your Home
Preparing Your Home

6. Set up the nursery

Get the baby’s room ready with a crib, changing table, and comfortable chair for feeding.

7. Install car seat

Have your car seat properly installed and learn how to use it safely.

8. Baby-proof your home

Start childproofing early by covering outlets, securing furniture, and removing hazards.

9. Stock up on baby supplies

Buy diapers, wipes, clothing, and other essentials. Don’t forget items for yourself like nursing pads and comfortable pajamas.

10. Wash baby clothes and bedding

Use gentle, fragrance-free detergent to clean all your baby’s items before use.

Packing and Planning

Packing and Planning
Packing and Planning

11. Pack your hospital bag

Prepare a bag with clothes, toiletries, snacks, and comfort items for your hospital stay.

12. Pack a bag for your baby

Include outfits, diapers, wipes, and a going-home outfit for your little one.

13. Prepare freezer meals

Cook and freeze meals to make life easier in the first weeks after birth.

14. Plan for pet care

If you have pets, arrange for someone to care for them while you’re in the hospital.

15. Organize important documents

Gather health insurance information, hospital pre-registration forms, and your ID.

Self-Care and Comfort

Self-Care and Comfort
Self-Care and Comfort

16. Practice relaxation techniques

Learn breathing exercises and meditation to help manage stress and prepare for labor.

17. Stay active

Continue gentle exercise like walking or prenatal yoga, as approved by your doctor.

18. Get plenty of rest

Prioritize sleep and take naps when you can. Your body needs extra rest in the third trimester.

19. Pamper yourself

Schedule a prenatal massage or treat yourself to a pedicure (since reaching your toes might be challenging now!).

20. Connect with other moms

Join a local or online support group for pregnant women or new moms.

Preparing for Baby’s Arrival

Preparing for Babys Arrival
Preparing for Babys Arrival

21. Decide on a birth announcement plan

Choose how you’ll share the news of your baby’s arrival with friends and family.

22. Learn about breastfeeding

Read up on breastfeeding techniques or take a class to prepare.

23. Research newborn care

Brush up on basics like diaper changing, bathing, and soothing techniques.

24. Arrange for help after birth

Ask family or friends to assist with household tasks or baby care in the first weeks.

25. Prepare older siblings

If you have other children, help them get ready for their new role as big brother or sister.

Final Preparations

Final Preparations
Final Preparations

26. Install baby monitor

Set up and test your baby monitor before the big day.

27. Prepare diaper changing stations

Set up changing areas in convenient spots around your home.

28. Stock up on household essentials

Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper, paper towels, and other basics on hand.

29. Clean and organize

Do a thorough house cleaning and organize your space to welcome your new addition.

30. Pack snacks for labor

Prepare a small bag of approved snacks for during and after labor.

Things to Do in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Health and Wellness

As you work through your third trimester checklist, don’t forget to focus on your health and well-being. Here are some important things to do in the third trimester of pregnancy:

– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

– Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein

– Monitor your baby’s movements and report any changes to your doctor

– Practice good posture to ease back pain

– Wear comfortable, supportive shoes

– Use pregnancy pillows for better sleep

– Avoid lifting heavy objects

– Take breaks and put your feet up throughout the day

Pregnancy Checklist: Last-Minute Tasks

As your due date approaches, here are some final items for your pregnancy checklist:

– Finish any work projects and prepare for maternity leave

– Get a haircut or trim (it might be a while before your next one!)

– Take maternity photos if desired

– Write thank-you notes for baby shower gifts

– Pack entertainment for the hospital (books, music, tablet)

– Charge your phone and camera

– Install the baby’s car seat base in your vehicle

– Make a list of people to call or text when labor begins

Checklist for Third Trimester: Emotional Preparation

While physical preparations are important, don’t forget about emotional readiness. Here’s a checklist for the third trimester focused on mental and emotional health:

– Talk about your feelings with your partner or a trusted friend

– Write in a journal about your pregnancy journey

– Discuss parenting styles and expectations with your partner

– Plan for postpartum support, including help for potential postpartum depression

– Practice mindfulness or meditation to reduce anxiety

– Celebrate your pregnancy milestones

– Take time for yourself to relax and unwind

As you complete your third trimester checklist, remember that every pregnancy is unique. Focus on the tasks that are most important for you and your family. The key is to feel as prepared and comfortable as possible for your baby’s arrival.

Preparing for a baby doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By breaking down your third trimester checklist into manageable tasks, you can enjoy this special time while getting ready for your new addition. Remember to be flexible and kind to yourself – it’s okay if you don’t complete every single item on the list.

The most important thing is that you and your baby are healthy and happy. Enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy, and get excited about meeting your little one soon!


We hope this third trimester checklist has helped prepare for your baby’s arrival. Remember, every parent’s journey is different, and it’s okay to adapt this list to fit your needs. The most important things are to take care of yourself, stay connected with your healthcare provider, and prepare your home and heart for your new baby.

As you complete your third trimester checklist, take time to enjoy the excitement of this special period. Soon, you’ll be holding your little one in your arms, and all your preparations will pay off.

Want more helpful guides and tips for your pregnancy journey and beyond? Visit Momvila for a wealth of resources designed to support you through pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. Our expert advice and practical tips will help you feel confident and prepared every step of the way.

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